Sunday, May 20, 2007

football Crazy!!!!

it was 117th minutes...and the scoreboard was reading 1-0, to the flavour of chelsea!!! yes man utd was losing to chelsea, three more minutes to penalties and they conceded a goal....what a bad time to lose!!! haha i was at yong's house yesterday to catch the FA cup final...only got home at 2am, at that time i was tired that the only word on my mind was "sleeping", but anyway got a quick bath before sleeping!!!haha. Anyway supposed to wake up at 8am this morning to play soccer...but when i wake up it was already 9am..and when i opened my phone there was like 5 missed call...only managed to get to the pitch at 930am, so we played...and played....and played and i was having quite a decent game, scored a couple of goals and assists some, it was until 12pm when we finally decided to get home, cause the sun was killing us...arrghh so hot!!! haha anyway went home and laze around my room...what a loser!!!haha playing the guitar all day the way there will be no school for me next week...cause it is e-learning week, it is the week that we learn our lesson thru the internet...yay that also mean no early rising..haha

aiyo...why man utd lose haha

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